They leave their thinking until the actual interview – Many job seekers wait for the bullets (interview questions) to start flying before they start thinking. Crazy! It’s extremely difficult to recall examples/scenarios at interview. This means waffle, padding, and answers that lack impact.
They deliver interview answers that lack focus – Many job seekers are inward thinking. They pay little attention to the company and job requirements.
They don’t sell themselves effectively – Most job seekers fail to sell themselves at interview. They provide little evidence of facts, figures, successes, or achievements.
“Fail to prepare, prepare to fail”. Roy Keane used this popular quote shortly before he hit the eject button from Saipan. These six words are critical for interview success. Effective interview preparation helps eliminate the above issues, helps increase confidence, and helps transform results.
Below are 6 core components for interview preparation ….
1. Access all the available information about the interview – Acquire as much information as you can before you jump into your preparation.
2. Understand what the employer requirements – Don’t just read the job spec. You need to surgically dissect it. If possible use your network to identify key challenges within the organisation. This will help you deliver more focus at interview.
3. Understand how you meet requirements – This is the process of sifting up all relevant information in advance of the interview. This removes most of the thinking during the interview. Remember the golden nuggets (Facts, figures, and achievements) to help sell yourself effectively.
4. Be familiar with my CV – I refer you back to point 2. You have to know your CV in terms of the role you are interviewing for. Be able to explain past job changes.
5. Research the company – Anyone can say they want to work for a company. BUT actions speak louder than words. Ensure you go beyond the company website!!
6. Identify questions to ask the employer – Do I need to explain?